

Reminders for school

Please review this with anyone responsible for the drop off or pick up of your child.

The Path

Please keep to the path when dropping off and picking up. Please respect and ensure your child respects the contents of the path and does not pick up the stones and throw them.


Both houses on each side of us are occupied. Please DO NOT park in their driveways. You may use their driveways as turnarounds if needed.

Driveway Etiquette

The driveway is owned by the neighbor to our left. We work in conjunction with her to keep the driveway in decent condition. You can help in this regard by driving in a manner so as not to turn up too much rock when you are coming or going. There are children and cats out when you arrive and leave, so please take the time to watch and be very careful.

Drop Off

You may drop off no more than 5 minutes early unless other arrangements have been made ahead of time. Please drop off your child on time. If you are going to be more than five minutes late, please send me a courtesy text so I know when to expect you.

no Food During Drop Off

Please DO NOT send your child to school with breakfast, or with uneaten food in their hands. Breakfast should be finished before coming to school.

Pick Up

Please be on time for pick up. Parents are to wait outside until their child is released. If you are more than 5 minutes late, there is a $5 late fee. If you are more than 10 minutes late, there is an additional $5 fee. Please send a courtesy text if you are going to be late.

Outside Pick Up

If we are outside playing when you come to pick up, the children must first ask permission if they can go to meet you on the path. They are not permitted to run off without permission. This is so things stay as orderly and safely as they possibly can.


You are responsible to provide a healthy snack and juice box for your child. No sweets or anything containing peanuts. Products that say “may contain traces of nuts” are acceptable. Please do not send “open” containers. If you wish to send a bottle of water or drink, please provide a sippy cup to pour it into. A Thermos with a straw spout is a good option as well.


Please provide a backpack or tote for your child to use for school. We often have things to send home and this will make it easier. Personal containers for each child with crayons and pencils is required by parents.

Perfumes, Colognes, and Scented Lotions

When attending school, please do not put any perfumes, colognes and/or scented lotions on your child. Some teachers and students have allergies and sensitivities to these smells.

Our Response to COVID-19

Health & Safety

Temperatures will be taken upon entry and then again before snack. Any child sneezing or coughing should stay home and attend ZOOM school instead. Masks are required as a cubby item and will be used if a child presents with a fever, cough, or sneezing during the class session. Children with those symptoms will be separated from the others and will need to be picked up promptly.

Know your W’s

These actions can protect our families and neighbors as the state works to ease restrictions while the virus is still circulating.

• WEAR a mask over your nose and mouth.
• WAIT 6 feet apart. Avoid close contact.
• WASH your hands or use hand sanitizer.